CHROMALT | Get Up To Color Faster
Designed for small and mid-sized packaging printers who are looking for an affordable solution that is easy to deploy in the pressroom, ChromaLT is the ultimate companion software for your press-side spectrophotometer that makes matching color on press quick and easy. ChromaLT will guide your operators on how to get a match with either specific ink density adjustments or by toning the ink when density adjustments cannot get you there. Give your operators color matching feedback that is easy to understand, actionable, and with clear Pass/Fail indications. When the job is done, the measurements are saved and a report can be generated for the quality department or the end customer to show that colors were printed in tolerances and the job was a success. In the end, ChromaLT will improve your print process efficiencies by removing the color matching guesswork, cutting your make-ready times, and ultimately increasing your profitability.
Centralize the storage of your color standards by organizing into Books and Libraries
Add new colors via measurement, import from file, or text entry
Search for colors by name or by deltaE threshold
Rationalize or “clean” your color standards database with the Search by deltaE feature to find duplicates and similiar colors
Pick the colors, set the deltaE tolerance for each, and either Save or Run the job immediately
Choose up to 8 colors per job and set the deltaE tolerances for each
Measure colors in any order and ChromaLT automatically identifies the correct color standard in the job
See instant PASS/FAIL and color difference results with easy to understand graphics
Get actionable feedback with InkCheck technology which provides specific density adjustments to achieve lowest possible deltaE on press
Check to see if your ink needs to be remixed
Once in production, periodically check colors and monitor trend charts
Create reports for internal and external stake-holders
Reduce trial-and-error with actionable feedback and clear direction for operators

Centralize the storage of your color standards by organizing into Books and Libraries
Add new colors via measurement, import from file, or text entry
Create customized job reports with either your logo or your customers logo
Automatically filter out “make-ready” measurements from reports
Report on a single measured sample or the average of multiple samples
Plot trend graphs to show the quality throughout a press run
Provide detailed job reports to the brand owner or customer
Maintain a history for how an item or colors print over time
Rationalize or “clean” your color standards database with the Search by deltaE feature to find duplicates and similiar colors